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Alexa, Websites Rank Standard

In this world everything has its own standard, quality standard, salary standard, cost standard and etc. Do not be surprise if nowadays we find such as American Standard, Europe Standard or Indonesians standard (we have it?).

There are many ways to value and methods a thing, by vote, analyze prediction and etc. In economic for example, this world has forbiz magazine. In the website world, we have several websites standard that have specialty to value and rank other websites. The popular one is with its alexa rank and Alexa tool.

Who has claim, Alexa does its job - as a websites ranker - well and independent? website designers or developers - some of them - still do not believe in Alexa. But, no one can claim a better website ranker than Alexa.

Shortly, Alexa rank has become the standard of website rank. Alexa release rank of websites based on its tool (alexa tool) and its other methods frequently. So, we can get its advantages, which website is the most popular today.


  1. yeah, alexa rank masih digunakan sebagai parameter rank website, gimana ya caranya ningkatin alexa dengan cepat ? hehe

  2. jujur aku ngga ngerti tentang alexa...masang diblog sih sekedar ikut2an doang heheheh..
    btw yang dialexa itu ada Rank dan link...maksudnya link itu apa ya??

  3. aku juga lom kenalan nih ma kang alexa,hue..he..*gubrak!*

  4. konon para adviertiser sangat memperhatikan alexa rank sebuah blog sebelum dia memutuskan untuk memasang iklan di blog tsbt

  5. sebenarnya cara mendaftar ke alexa rank tu gmana........

  6. iyaa iyaa,,
    pgen tau nehh..
    describe to us dunksss...

  7. Very useful for me as a newbie....


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